On Going Projects | Training Calendar

Program areas of focus

  • Livelihoods particularly supporting communities in agriculture including Cash for work(CFW),Unconditional cash (UCC) for vulnerable groups, provision of inputs(Seeds and Tools) bee farming for small scale bee farmers and poultry farming and formation of small credit schemes for women businesses and organizing/supporting co-operative societies to enable creation of sustainable income generating activities.
  • In close coordination with international partners and local authorities through provision of youth and adult education to contribute to the peace building reconciliation efforts in Somalia.
  • Capacity building through training small scale women agri-business owners on basic business entrepreneurship.
  • Awareness raising and creation of alternative livelihood for communities for the reduction of environmental degradation through provision of training for rural villages community leaders, charcoal burners and tree cutters.
  • Cash transfers program for both unconditional and conditional transfer to communities strictly on vulnerability basis criterion.
  • Livestock – We do restocking, and educate the communities on Animals keeping, animal treatment, fodder storage and distribution, as well as have basic training Community Animal Health Workers (CHAW) and rehabilitation of points for livestock and culverts in pastoral areas.